We celebrate Lag ba-Omer on the May, 18 - the history and events
Today Jews celebrate Lag B'Omer - ancient holy, with rich legends and traditions tied to it. What does this day mean and how holy is it in our days.
Meaning of the holy Lag B'Omer
The word "omer" has two meanings: first - tse snip of wheat or barley, the other means the world of grain, which was enough for people to sit all day.
Omers were also used to mark the days of Pesach. The next day, after the head Jewish saint, a snip of barley, the “first omer,” was brought to the temple, and at the onset of the wounds they prayed for a new birth. There are 49 days of the first Omer from Pesach to Shavuot. It is the same period for the Jews to leave Egypt until the departure of Tori. On the fiftieth day, they brought "another omer" to the temple - a snip of new-born wheat.
The hour between the first and the other omer in the Torah is called the period of hope and trembling, which will be vibrated, but the sky will be the birth of the river. At c³ sim tizhn³v d³º impersonal fence. Only on the 33rd day (Lag B'Omer) there are a lot of changes in the amount of water and the power of one's own remedy against anxious thoughts.
Dear Friends! Chag Lag ba-Omer sameach! Slava Ukraini!