• «Money is a strange object»...and it was discussed in the School of financial literacy in ICF «Jewish Hesed «Bnei Azriel»

    The states are developing or declining, budgets are growing rapidly or the same rapidly go for burton, and the eternal question of ordinary people "how to live on this money" remains unchanged. The older people, including the Jews, often have a laconic answer, right as their income is. Of course, in order to properly answer this question, we need some knowledge, which would correspond to the reality where we live in. Sometimes the proper knowledge and information can work wonders and help you find the right solution in the most difficult situation.

    ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel" is not a magician. But we do try to learn everything new and relevant for our wards and provide them the opportunity to gain such a necessary knowledge, as well as "forewarned is forearmed". Therefore, on May 24, 2017, we held the 4th lecture of our good friend and partner, Professor, doctor of economic Sciences, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of PJSC "Interbank currency exchange of Ukraine".

    This lecture closed the series of meetings in the framework of the joint project of Hesed and Anatoly "School of financial literacy for seniors". Our team learned what is the purchasing power, what distinguishes corruption from nice hearty gifts, what impact has GDP on a particular person, should we be afraid of default and much more. What are the future prospects of the project in the context of the educational work of the Kiev Hesed?

    First, we are planning to organize individual financial counseling 2 times per month, during which the wards of ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel" will be able to confidentially resolve their issues with experts in the area of banking and financial affairs.

    Secondly, in view of the new legislation and the upcoming pension reform, we will organize a seminar where we together with Anatoly Ivanovich will delve into a difficult for the inexperienced in the financial sector layman wilds of the pension system of Ukraine.

    We sincerely thank a wonderful man Anatoly Gulei for the knowledge-as-gift, well set out and available material, we wish you success and hope for the further fruitful cooperation!

    See also
