• "Skills of effective communication"

     comunicationLarisa Shklovtsova,

    Leading psychologist of the ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel"


    "Skills of effective communication"

    While conducting group work with our clients and employees, communicating with them in a personal conversation, we often have to seek answers to questions like: "How shall I speak that others listened to me and heard me?", "Why are the children and grandchildren do not understand me?", "How to talk to a person if he's in a bad mood/ yelling / blaming / ordering / devaluing / criticizing you or your actions?", "How to say “No” not offending and not alienating the person?", "How to communicate at work to keep the business effective and maintain a friendly, trusting relationships with colleagues?" and many others.

    The answers to these questions relate to communications, but also affect the deep connection between the communication styles and self-esteem, self-confidence (Eng. Assertiveness), identity, social roles, persistent beliefs and values.

    After all, to "hide" our true feelings and needs, masking them under different kinds of manipulations, to "stick the labels", to compare and evaluate ourselves and other people, guided by "our criteria" that are blocking compassion, we learn from early childhood from a significant number of people.

    Non-constructive communication is the only "head of train", where are attached "trailers" of limiting irrational thinking; often not ours, but imposed values; suppressed emotions of anger, resentment, fear and patterns (repeating actions) of ineffective behavior.

    Constructive communication is characterized by a consideration of the interests of all parties, taking conscious responsibility for your behavior, thoughts and feelings; mutually beneficial give-and-take, the presence of empathy (the respectful understanding of the emotional experience of another), - enabling in the result the long-term cooperation and formation of trustful relations, based on common life values.

    Effective communication is a skill that must and should be practiced, regardless of how old you are 10 or 60.

    Classes are held at our Day centre; which give great results to the people of "Golden" age and debunk the myth that the effectiveness of training and development at the age over 50 is greatly reduced. We noticed that the efficiency depends on the personal motivation and maturity of the person.

    Because our employees communicate with clients, we have supported their desire to improve communication skills and to grow personally and professionally by applying the optional training course "Skills of effective communication". We expect that the participants of the course will learn new ways of effective communication; learn to better understand themselves and others; improve the ability to accurately assess their own capabilities and resources and become just a little happier.

    After all, sharing the common values of nonviolent communication and effective communication, applying them in life, we contribute to the creation of well-being for ourselves, our family, our organization, city and the world in general.


    Information for employees:

    Today, no one can deny the importance of the skill of effective communication, no matter what professional activities the person is engaged in. Particular need in the skill feel professionals whose work lies directly in the area of person-to-person.

    What is more important in communication – to listen or to speak? How to speak that the others listened to? How to feel more confident when communicating? How to communicate effectively? How to feel more confident in your own abilities? How to master the skills of nonviolent communication?

    The purpose of the training is to develop skills for successful/effective communication:

    • Motivation of employees to effective work with clients.
    • To develop communication skills of participants.
    • To enhance the ability of participants to communicate effectively and develop the necessary patterns.
    • To learn how to work with problems in a positive way.
    • To gain practical skills of work with "difficult" clients.

    Expected effect for the participants:

    • learn new ways of communication;
    • learn to better understand themselves and other people;
    • increase the ability to accurately assess their own capabilities and resources.

    Methods and forms of work: mini-lectures, practical exercises, drawing tests, group discussions, role-playing.

    Schedule of lessons:  1 time a week. Monday/Friday from 12.00 to 14.00.

    Group size: 5 – 12 persons.