• Dancing Bnei Azriel: welcome to our dance school!

    timthumbdancetIf you think that the funny words "two steps left, two steps to the right, step forward and two steps back" from the famous song "School of ballroom dance of Solomon Shklyar" reflect the essence of the Jewish dance, then you are very mistaken. Although it is a historical fact that Kiev Barber Solomon Shklyar had a dance school on Str. Velyka Vasylkivska, 10. And if you think that the Jews can do everything but are not very good dancers, live 120 years, but you are two times very wrong again!







    Setting jokes aside, let’s remember that the historical sources contain information about different Jewish dances, known by civilization since biblical times. Though not very skillfully, but for the Glory of G-d even king David was dancing, which is described in the Book of Kings! Moreover, the Scripture - the Word of G-d repeatedly says that the Jewish dance is an integral part of the worship of G-d and the Jewish culture of the people: "Again I will build thee, and thou shall be built, o virgin of Israel: thou shall again be adorned with your tambourines and go out in the dances of them that make merry" (Jer.31:4). And believe me, when someone opens to God not only the soul, but also expresses the joy of His love and mercy in the merry dance, the G-d of Jews is not ashamed of the awkward movement of our feet or hands. 


    Now one of the most significant cultural events of modern Israel is a three – day dance festival in Karmiel, which has been held since 1988 every summer. That’s why the opening of dance school "Lamir Tanzen" this summer is for a good reason: school dances are taught by professionals skilled in Jewish and all styles of classical European dance, the choreographers Inna Povstyuk and Joseph Lubic, soloists of the national ensemble "Renaissance". The choreographers themselves are almost 70 years old, but regular dance classes and performances allow them to be amazingly physically fit!


    Today, on the August 2, the first lesson was held, during which our participants learned a traditional dance steps of European dances. "Disciples" were convinced of how fun, enjoyable and useful is to study dance! Scientists have proved long ago that during such training one burns around 440 calories per hour. The dance easily relieves not only from muscle strain, — the conscious gets clearer, as well as overall emotional state and intellectual abilities improve. Dance is able to bring people out of depression and make one see the world differently. Reducing the risk of heart disease, normalization of metabolism and immunity, strengthening bones and lowering the risk of osteoporosis and fractures, the cessation of the bronchitis, improvement of posture and gait, slimness, grace, flexibility make not the entire list of arguments in favor of dancing.


    To start dancing is never too late. So we are looking forward to see you in the club of ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel" every Tuesday at 10.00 am!" Dance is life itself!", — said the ancient sages. So let's live, staying healthy, energetic and joyous! Come and visit our classes!

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