The artistic evening of the famous film and theater Director, honored figure of arts of Ukraine Simon Vinokurov was successfully held recently at the Club of Hesed. Co-author and accomplice in the creation of many iconic films of Dovzhenko Studio since the 60-ies ("No turning Back", "Faith, Hope, Love", "Anna and the Commodore", "Spotted Dog Running at the Edge of the Sea", a.o.), creator of the popular at the time movie "Long days, short weeks" told the audience about that time and himself.
We can talk many and a lot about the life and work of this man, but we emphasize, however, that Simon Filippovich is one of those who shaped the face of Ukrainian cinematograph in the last decades. And famous phrase from his movie: "When will the fashion come for kindness, honesty, tolerance, and erudition?", told from the screen in 1980 is still relevant today.
Brief biographical background: Simon Vinokurov was born in 1936 in Khmelnytsky (former Proskuriv). In 1965 he successfully graduated from the Kharkov Theatre Institute; from that moment his directorial career had begun. Firstly, theatrical: many years of work in theatres of Poltava, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zaporozhye, Sumy, Kiev, Lviv. The repertoire of productions was wide and varied: here were the classics — "Anthony and Cleopatra" of Shakespeare, "Intrigue and love", "Robbers" of Schiller, and the present — "Fortuna" of Zarudny, "The Diary Page" of Korneychuk, the plays of his own authorship, such as "I seek you" (co-authored with well-known playwright Lubomyr Dmyterko).