• Healing with color: in the ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel" began classes of the art therapy

    "Art therapy can't undo the past traumas or heal deep emotional disturbances. It can mobilize and develop internal resources, lessen the fear of loneliness and, thus, pave the way for emotional growth and rehabilitation" – in such a way describes the activity in which the color is healing the famous psychologist Edith Kramer.

    That fact that the art cures is known since ancient times. People do not have to be a brilliant artist to create. The essence lies in a fact that the man who is mastering the drawing skills or developing his ability to draw, transfers his internal state on canvas. With the help of paints, he is expressing what bothers him, pleases, inspires, irritates, saddens, or whatever he is dreaming of. What he would like to share, but for various reasons can't say to other people using words. But using the paints he can! It is this aspect of art therapy that was discussed at the introductory class, which took place on 17 November 2016 in the Day center of ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel". The class was taught by popular Ukrainian designer Slava Zaymak, the main artist of the theater "Sozvezdiye".

    During the conversation, our wards were interested in all aspects of activity – from the number of participants in the session, the name of colors, which combinations of colors affect mood improvement, what topics they will be able to draw and how often.... And, of course, who will evaluate their works. Indeed, among the clients there are those who have never held a brush in their hands, and also those clients who are simply shy to draw and explore their capabilities for spectators.

    However, Slava could convince our dear wards that they shouldn’t worry how good will be the image on canvas! Indeed, the essence of art therapy lies in the act of creation, and the assessment of painting is of secondary importance. Another well-known art therapist - Franz Cizek was not a psychoanalyst. He was an ordinary teacher of painting who required from his students only spontaneity. "Show me your soul today!", he said. And in response to the call of the master the disciples reproduced paintings of their unconscious feelings. As an art teacher, he paid attention to the rhythm and color forms that convey the mental state of a person.

    Here we are, struggling with social isolation, loneliness and bad mood of our wards, have begun a course of art therapy. We believe that current methods od therapy of psychological and physical condition of the elderly, used in art therapy, will certainly help our clients.

    Good luck, Slava! Welcome to the classes, dear clients!

    You can enquire on the timetable by phone: +38 (044) 241-07-46. We are waiting for you!

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