• Presentation of Joint Charity Project Free Legal Advice 17.05.2017

    ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bney Azriel" is INVOLVED IN a JOINT PROJECT to PROVIDE PRIMARY LEGAL AID! In a person's life not only food, shelter and hygiene are important, but also the opportunity to know his rights and responsibilities. And, if necessary, the ability to protect them with the help of professionals. When you're young and energetic, seeking help from a lawyer or bringing a case to court is much easier than when you are an elderly, lonely man. And we thought about how we can help our wards. After all, you will not let your grandfather or grandmother down, right? Because you love them and cherish them. In Hesed are also our grandparents whom we also cherish, and taking care of their security and giving helpless people the real legal aid became a matter of honor to ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel".

    We were looking for reliable sponsors with high reputation and experience in different branches of law... and found them! The laws firm "UrVed” in Kiev became our sponsors. On 24 April 2017, a meeting took place between the legal counsel Victoria Sergeyeva, head of the law firm, and Raisa Gritsenko, Director of the ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel". During the meeting, the leaders discussed the possibility of a joint project to provide free legal advice for the clients of Hesed, as well as the directions and format of work. So, 1 time in 2 weeks our wards will be able to consult with professional attorneys ... right in Hesed! On all the questions they may ask. Oy Vey.... they do have so many questions! In general, the consultation will last 2 hours. But getting to a consultation of a lawyer will be held by appointment, as there are really a lot of willing to get help. The legal advice is free ONLY for the clients of Hesed. The details of the project’s implementation will be available from 10.00 to 11.00 on May 17, 2017 at our club during the presentation. There you can get acquainted with the lawyers who expressed a desire to advise and help our wards.

    See also
