• Events in ICF Jewish Hesed Bnei Azriel devoted to the International Day of People with Disabilities

     In 1992, at the end of the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons (1983–1992), the United Nations General Assembly, in its Resolution No. 47/3, proclaimed December 3 as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, to raise awareness and mobilize support for important issues inclusion of people with disabilities, both in social structures and development processes.

    ICF Jewish Hesed Bney Azriel, among 10,000 of whose wards the majority are people with disabilities, also does not remain aloof from the international movement associated with the support of persons with disabilities in legal, social and cultural aspects.
    So this year, on December 3, we will have two events, one of which is intended for those who attend the club (literary and musical composition), and the other is for the Day Center participants (a lecture on the rights of people with disabilities in Ukraine).

    See also
