Dear friends! We invite you to our online meetings!
Planned online events for December 2022
"Cognitive workshop" with Iryna Demenko (starts at 11:30 a.m.):
Monday - 05.12.; 12.12.; 19.12.; 26.12.2022
Gadgetarium with Felix Schuster (starts at 2:45 p.m.):
Monday - 12.12. and 26.12.2022
"Online tours" with Yan Privorotskyi (starts at 2:45 p.m.):
Thursday - 01.12.; 08.12.; 15.12.; 22.12. and 29.12.2022
"Online Hebrew" with Ludmila Polishchuk (starts at 09:00):
Friday - 02.12.; 09.12.; 16.12. and 23.12.2022
And you, do you remember? And you know? Have you heard? with Natalia Adamovych (starts at 11:00 a.m.):
02.12.; 07.12.; 09.12.; 14.12.; 16.12.; 21.12.; 23.12. and 28.12.2022
"Jewish Traditions" - Weekly Torah chapters with Emil Krupnik (starts at 2:45 p.m.):
Wednesday - 07.12.; 14.12.; 21.12. and 28.12.2022
Literary club "Korifei" with Iva Yedgarova (starts at 1:00 p.m.):
Tuesday - 13.12.2022
Hanukkah Theater at the Microphone with Iva Yedgarova (starts at 1:00 p.m.):
Tuesday - 20.12.2022
Musical and literary program "Everything will be Ukraine" with Iva Yedgarova (starts at 1:00 p.m.):
Tuesday - 27.12.2022