• The Program of our online meetings for December, 2022

    Dear friends! We invite you to our online meetings!


    Planned online events for December 2022


    "Cognitive workshop" with Iryna Demenko (starts at 11:30 a.m.):

    Monday - 05.12.; 12.12.; 19.12.; 26.12.2022


    Gadgetarium with Felix Schuster (starts at 2:45 p.m.):

    Monday - 12.12. and 26.12.2022


    "Online tours" with Yan Privorotskyi (starts at 2:45 p.m.):

    Thursday - 01.12.; 08.12.; 15.12.; 22.12. and 29.12.2022

    "Online Hebrew" with Ludmila Polishchuk (starts at 09:00):

    Friday - 02.12.; 09.12.; 16.12. and 23.12.2022


    And you, do you remember? And you know? Have you heard? with Natalia Adamovych (starts at 11:00 a.m.):

    02.12.; 07.12.; 09.12.; 14.12.; 16.12.; 21.12.; 23.12. and 28.12.2022


     "Jewish Traditions" - Weekly Torah chapters with Emil Krupnik (starts at 2:45 p.m.):

    Wednesday - 07.12.; 14.12.; 21.12. and 28.12.2022


    Literary club "Korifei" with Iva Yedgarova (starts at 1:00 p.m.):

    Tuesday - 13.12.2022


    Hanukkah Theater at the Microphone with Iva Yedgarova (starts at 1:00 p.m.):

    Tuesday - 20.12.2022


    Musical and literary program "Everything will be Ukraine" with Iva Yedgarova (starts at 1:00 p.m.):

    Tuesday - 27.12.2022