Dreams come true with ICF


   donated 3200 uah

   still needed 0 uah


Just recently, ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel" began to develop a new direction – charity social and cultural projects. The main reason was that we have many talented wards who have great creative achievements recognized in Ukraine or even around the world! However, time moves on. Over the years, it becomes more and more difficult to organize one’s personal tours or exhibitions, to keep active communication with "brothers in trade", looking for a place of creative meetings... but this is a fact, the talent lives thanks to emotions of public! Moreover, the truly great cultural achievements deserve to be seen or heard by the new generations..

In addition to these bright individuals, in the family of Hesed are also the wards, whose fate had been different – they are the lonely, seriously ill people, the achievements of whom are the optimism, fortitude and a firm belief in the future, despite the horrific life circumstances. They also do have dreams. Of course, the main dream of such people is health. We at ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel" are helping with organization of expert consultations, medicines, surgery payments, etc. However, our dear wards have also personal dreams that are inherent to every healthy person and impossible to make come true without external help...

Then we began to solve the problem comprehensively: started organizing projects, in which some wards get sponsors for their exhibitions and other cultural events, and other wards get a significant chance to realize their innermost dreams. This first such project was a personal exhibition of paintings by honored artist of Ukraine Herman Gold, organized by us in cooperation with the sponsors – one of the best Kiev galleries Tauvers Gallery International. During the solemn opening of the exhibition was performed a charity concert, which helped to collect donations for two target projects, among which was the project "Help to realize the dream of Zoe Bors!".

Because of the extremely serious diseases and absence of parents (Zoe lives with her grandfather-caretaker), this 20-year old girl has not been anywhere in her life, except hospitals. So the guests attending the exhibition opening ceremony, really decided to help this young lady. Now, dear friends, we are happy to announce that we did it! We raised money for the trip! And happy Zoe in the period from 9 January to 11 January 2017 visited Lviv! In the trip Zoe was accompanied by Felix Schuster, the Center Manager for community and cultural work and the volunteer Tatiana Men. And Zoe, who has visited excursions, Lviv theatre and Synagogue cordially asked to convey to everyone the biggest and most sincere "Thank you"! For your kind hearts and magic souls! Because really, all together we are just wizards.

ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel" is planning to continue organizing similar projects, so we thank you in advance for possible partnership in carrying out events and helping our clients. Kindness is available to everyone!