• News 2016

    Light of the Hanukkah in the family of ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel"

    Here comes Hanukkah – such a bright, joyful and light holiday. Like all Jewish holidays, Hanukkah has its own history and traditions of celebration...

    Congratulations to the team of experts of "HesedBoom" ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel" with 6-7 places in Hanukkalniy tournament "What? Where? When?"

     28 December, 2016 ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel" for the first time took part in Hanukkalniy tournament "What? Where? When?" ...

    Jewish HOMELAND of the famous bard: talks about Vladimir Vysotsky in the club of Hesed

    Recently in our club, the regular meeting with clients from the cycle "Theatre Mansy from Emil Krupnik" was successfully held. It is more than a year now that this cycle continues...

    Only with us! 20 December, 2016 opens a unique exhibition of works of participants of "Program for memory preservation"

    The project "Program for memory preservation" continues its successful development in our Hesed. One of the directions of the project is classes of art therapy

    Star guest in our club: evening with the brilliant humorist Alexander Volodarskiy

    What a nasty weather it was yesterday! This is especially noticeable for older people who don’t always go out of house in winter even if they need. However, the bad weather and the cold did not stop the fans of Alexander Volodarskiy to visit...

    Funny creative works of Anna Tsukanova: a master class for the clients with impaired hearing and speech was held

    No matter how the commercials praise beauty of the finished toys, and we tried before the holidays to come up with gift ideas, but a nice thing made with your own hands...

    The club held a creative evening of people's artist of Ukraine Leonid Sandulenko!

    "Two nations – one melody" – under this title on 6 December, 2016 at ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel" took place the creative evening of the famous singer of Romanesque origin...

    Congratulations to the volunteers who have birthdays this month!

    One of good and important traditions of ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel" is the Day of birthday celebrators, which is arranged...

    Old courtyards full of memories: Emil Krupnik at the club of ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel"

    Our club hosted a creative evening of Emil Krupnik, a song-writer, singer, writer and journalist. The program was called "These old courtyards"...

    Healing with color: in the ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel" began classes of the art therapy

    That fact that the art cures is known since ancient times. People do not have to be a brilliant artist to create...

    I open pages like wings: original music-literature composition "Shore of feelings"

    I weave my lines with yours -
    The shore of feelings has dawned far off.
    In the heavenly blue of October
    Cranes are circling like numerous dots.
    I’ll forget all the bad omens –
    Pour with happiness buckets full.
    And green summer will rush into
    Your dear and lonely soul.

    "Autumn...coffee...chocolate..." - our delicious project for wards and volunteers

    - Abrasha, my dear son, come home to eat!
    - I already ate at Pavlik’s home!
    - Oh! This is the gold, not the son!!!!

    The Irony and Talent – about Valentin Gaft in our Club

    Recently in the Hesed club was held its regular meeting from the cycle "Theatre Mansy from Emil Krupnik". This cycle continues for more than a year – every first Thursday of the month the poet and singer-songwriter Emil Krupnik tells about someone from the famous artists...

    Happy The Day of Social Worker!

    A Social Worker it’s a wonderful person. Certainly, the one his feature is more developed than in average people: his heart is...

    Yom Kipur - Day of Redemption, leading to joy

     Four of the Jewish holidays - Rosh ha Shana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and Simchat Torah link the amazing events of the month of Tishrei. These holidays...

    Have a good and Sweet New Year!

    Dear friends, colleagues and partners! We congratulate You with the holiday of Rosh Hashanah! We wish You in the coming year 5777 abundance in the house, good health, hope, love and prosperity! Let Your table be decorated with pomegranates, juicy apples and honey. May God...

    28.09.2016 died Shimon Peres, former President of the state of Israel.

    International Charity Fund "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel" expresses condolences to the people of Israel for the passing of Shimon Peres, the legendary Israeli politician and statesman. Only recently, a year ago Shimon Peres, the former President of Israel, said...

    Age cannot wither him - Director Simon Vinokurov in our club

    The artistic evening of the famous film and theater Director, honored figure of arts of Ukraine Simon Vinokurov was successfully held recently at the Club of Hesed. Co-author and accomplice in the creation of many iconic films of Dovzhenko Studio since the 60-ies ("No turning Back", "Faith, Hope, Love", "Anna...

    Babiy Yar: 75 years of unalleviated pain

    We have been killed at Babiy Yar. Thousands and tens of thousands. For 75 years we remember this, our pain does not alleviate. The ravine in the old Kiev between Lukyanovka and Syrets got sad, though worldwide “fame” as the site of massacres during the Nazi occupation. Here were killed Gypsies...

    A story of poetic love in our club

    It is said that two creative personalities don’t get along well in one family. Especially in regards to a couple of poets – "the poet has no partner, all the duets ended up with the duel" (A. Voznesensky). But this is a rule, and the rules, as you know, have ...

    Young leaders – the future volunteers visiting the ICF

    12 August, 2016 the youth platform Juice and ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel" held a joint project – we were visited by the young boys and girls who want to become leaders. It is commonly known that a leader is a person who is not afraid to take...

    Constructive thinking – the key to effective communication: training for employees of the ICF

    The fact that a man is a social being is not only the subject of philosophical debate, but one of the issues that famous psychologists and young scientists are studying. However, we do not doubt this statement, because our employees are dealing every day with...

    Tisha B'Av: from mourning to redemption

    One can believe in a Higher power over us or explained everything by the natural course of things. But it must be noted that in all our Hebrew "tsures" — the troubles and tragedies, is a mystical consistent pattern. With alarming frequency they happen at approximately the same time of the calendar year. According to the Jewish calendar (it is known to be lunar, as opposed to conventional solar) it is the period between 

    Ukrainian poetry of the Jews sounded in our club

    The evening called "The Jewish theme in Ukrainian poetry" was successfully held recently at the club of ICF "Jewish Hesed "Bnei Azriel". It was not only very emotional, but also extremely informative.
    Our guest was a Ukrainian poet and journalist Nikolai Tsivirko. During an hour and a half visitors learnt...

    Dancing Bnei Azriel: welcome to our dance school!

    If you think that the funny words "two steps left, two steps to the right, step forward and two steps back" from the famous song "School of ballroom dance of Solomon Shklyar" reflect the essence of the Jewish dance, then you are very mistaken. Although it is a historical fact that Kiev Barber Solomon Shklyar...

    Sweet-voiced Hesed: Emma Burdinskaya, the Queen of the most delicious chocolates design and the popular singer

    Remember how in the childhood we opened a box of delicious chocolates with delight and anticipation? And then kept this beautiful box, folding in our "treasures" — wrappers, calendars, cards and other items, such a cute to a child heart? And how, savoring the chocolate, ...

    Our guest is a legend of the Kiev bard song Valery Vinarsky

    Our club regularly holds creative meetings with popular figures of culture and art. Guests of the Fund over the past year were the composer Alexander Zlotnik and artist Matvey Vaisberg, Ada Rogovtseva and Ostap Stupka. But the last week has pleased our audience with...

    15 years after the war, he found the girl of dead fellow countryman....

    The war doesn't end in a full point at the end of a history textbook. Continuation of loneliness stretches behind them a long train. But suddenly (this magic "suddenly" is a favorite word of Dostoevsky and Fate) impossible things happen. At a much unexpected time, under the most incredible circumstances the fragments of broken mirrors stick together. 

    Hot chanson in the hot summer in Hesed

    Recently at the stage of Hesed was held a concert where sounded chanson. This is a General term used to denote different musical genres, prohibited or semi-legal in the former USSR: yard song, urban romance, military, and emigrant, some of the pop songs. Emil Krupnik, the show presenter, determined chanson as "spontaneous people’s theatre...

    You are 50 and more? Explore the new life style from Hesed for the

    It’s not a secret that every man at the age of 50 perceives this date as a milestone. For most people this threshold is perceived as the beginning of decay both physical and psychological. One begins to live one day, from disease...

    20th anniversary of Hesed "Bney Azriel: thanks for the doers of good

    The Jewish tradition of charity, which in Hebrew is called "gemilut hasadim" (literally — showing mercy) dates back thousands of years. Helping your neighbor, supporting him materially and spiritually is one of...

    Shavuot: the lowest rose to the heavens and the heavens came to the earth

    For every Jew one of the greatest events in the history of our nation and humanity as a whole is the day of the Sinai Revelation. On this day in the year 2448 from creation (1312 BC) G-d gave the Jews the Torah and the Ten Commandments — ...

    Lag Ba-Omer – the fire of charity in the heart of Khesed

    In the evening, on the eve of the holiday of Lag B’Omer, the State of Israel is illuminated by the glow of thousands of fires. They are burn up by the schoolchildren who travel on the nature with the whole